
124th Judicial District CourtParish of JeffersonState of LouisianaORDER 2020 – 009JURY TRIALSActing in accordance with Louisiana Constitution Article V, Section 1; pursuant to LSARS. 1:55; due to the COVID-19 emergency as detailed in Governor John Bel Edwards’sDeclarations of Public Health Emergency, Jefferson Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng’sDeclaration of State of Emergency, and the emergency orders of the Louisiana Supreme Court,and in accordance with the inherent powers of this court, and in consideration of ongoing publichealth recommendations to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus and slowing the spread of thedisease while balancing the need to protect the constitutional rights and public safety of thecitizens of the state by maintaining access to Louisiana courts, the Chief Judge, acting on behalfof the Judges of the 24th Judicial District Court, respecting jury trials HEREBY ORDERSTHAT:1.Criminal and civil jury trials may recommence Monday, September 14, 2020.2.Jury selection should proceed in the Honorable Henry G. Sullivan Jury Assembly Roomwith one venire of 50 prospective ...

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24th Judicial District Court
Parish of Jefferson
State of Louisiana
ORDER 2020 – 009
Acting in accordance with Louisiana Constitution Article V, Section 1; pursuant to LSA
RS. 1:55; due to the COVID-19 emergency as detailed in Governor John Bel Edwards’s
Declarations of Public Health Emergency, Jefferson Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng’s
Declaration of State of Emergency, and the emergency orders of the Louisiana Supreme Court,
and in accordance with the inherent powers of this court, and in consideration of ongoing public
health recommendations to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus and slowing the spread of the
disease while balancing the need to protect the constitutional rights and public safety of the
citizens of the state by maintaining access to Louisiana courts, the Chief Judge, acting on behalf
of the Judges of the 24th Judicial District Court, respecting jury trials HEREBY ORDERS
Criminal and civil jury trials may recommence Monday, September 14, 2020.
Jury selection should proceed in the Honorable Henry G. Sullivan Jury Assembly Room
with one venire of 50 prospective jurors each day, Monday through Thursday only. Jury
selection may also proceed in the Council Chambers of the General Government Building. Social
distancing of not less than 6 feet shall be observed at all times.
Jury trials scheduled in a division shall be placed on the 24th JDC online jury calendar for
prioritization. Determination as to which trial will proceed on any given date shall be made 30
days prior to the scheduled trial date in accordance with the prioritization procedure established
by the judges en banc. The first case on the prioritization schedule shall proceed with voir dire
on the Monday of the trial week. The second case on the prioritization schedule should proceed
on the day following completion of voir dire in the first trial. For example, if jury selection in
the first case is completed on Monday, voir dire in the second case should proceed on Tuesday.
In the event the first case is resolved, the second case on the prioritization schedule should be
notified and should proceed on the Monday of the trial week. In that instance, the third case on
the prioritization schedule should proceed on the day following completion of voir dire in the
second case.
Social distancing of not less than 6 feet shall be observed at all times. Prospective jurors
shall be required to wear masks. Once selected, jurors shall be provided face shields to wear
during trial but may continue to wear facial coverings.
Trials may be conducted in the division courtrooms in the Thomas F. Donelon Building,
observing 6 feet of social distancing. Jurors shall be seated in the jury box, gallery and other
locations around the courtroom best situated to provide a clear view of the witness stand, podium
and bench.
Trials may also be conducted in Council Chambers of the General Government Building,
in any Second Parish Court courtroom, or the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Courtroom A.
Deliberations may take place in the courtroom or other location approved by the judge where
social distancing can be observed. Meals shall be brought in for jurors. In addition to the
courtroom, the en banc room on the 2nd floor and attorney lounge on the 5th floor in the Thomas
F. Donelon Building are available for use by the jurors during lunch breaks and recesses of the
Witnesses may be instructed by the judge to remove masks or other facial covering only
if the witness stand is shielded by plexi-glass and social distancing is observed. Attorneys
should utilize the document camera, laptops, and other technology whenever possible.
The courtroom shall be limited to the jurors, counsel of record, the defendant(s) in
criminal cases, one party representative of each plaintiff and defendant in civil cases, one
witness, and judge’s staff consisting of the law clerk, court reporter, minute clerk and court
Witnesses shall be required to wait in the attorney/client rooms adjacent to the courtroom
immediately prior to being called to testify. Otherwise, witnesses may wait in the atrium of the
Thomas F. Donelon Building. In other approved venues, witnesses shall wait in areas
preapproved by the Court. SinePro should be utilized to the fullest extent possible to ensure
social distancing and capacity restrictions are observed.
Public access to trials shall be available through Zoom in accordance with local rule, in
another courtroom or designated location in the Thomas F. Donelon Building.
Jury summons shall include the instruction that prospective jurors experiencing
symptoms or who have tested positive for Covid-19 within the past 14 days and those with
exposure who are required to quarantine under Center for Disease Control guidelines, shall not
report to the Thomas F. Donelon Building, but are to contact the jury room for a new date.
Persons over 65 years of age or in at-risk categories due to health conditions may contact
the jury room and upon request, shall be excused or provided a new date. Documentation of the
reason for excusal may be requested.
During trial, any jurors, witnesses, attorneys or parties experiencing symptoms, testing
positive or with exposure requiring quarantine under Center for Disease Control guidelines shall
not report to court but are ordered to contact the division for further instructions.
This Order is effective at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, August 17, 2020 and will remain in
effect until further notice. All provisions of this Court’s prior orders shall remain in place except
as expressly modified herein. Adjustments to this Order, if necessary, will be posted on the
Court’s website (www.courtonline.us or www.24jdc.us), the Louisiana Supreme Court website
(www.lasc.org), and in the news media.
Gretna, Louisiana this 14th day of August, 2020.
For the 24th Judicial District Court

Ellen Shirer Kovach
Chief Judge

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